23 – Random.

My goals have been on my mind more and more recently.  Even though I’m currently working on 10 of them, I still feel like I haven’t done much.  But, at the end of this month, I’ll be able to cross off two goals (#9 and #11) and that’s something to look forward, too.

My weight loss has basically plateaued since Don and I began our bodyweight exercises.  That sucks big time.  I know that muscle weighs more than fat, but I don’t want to regress to where I had been.  Since we need to be eating more protein, I’ve changed our meal plan from the Low Fat to the Low Carb.  I’m just not caring anymore.  I’m still going strong on the exercise plan, but I know I would benefit more if I were still doing my walking.  But adding that onto the 40 minutes of exercises does not sound appealing anymore.  Don will be busy tonight, so I don’t need to worry about dinner.  Maybe I’ll jump onto the treadmill and hopefully jumpstart myself back into it all.

But…the other big thing I need to make sure of is that I’m healthy.  Now that we’re starting to work on goal #4, my health takes priority over going overboard on exercising.  I guess now is the best time to lose the weight so that I’m in tip-top shape before getting pregnant.

I’ve been thinking more and more about what I should write.  It may just turn into a journal-type/memoir-ish thing.  I don’t know we’ll see.

I do know I need to get cracking on goal 3 and start my prayer journal for Don.  I’m really looking forward to that one.  The problem is that I have so many awesome books to read ahead of The Power of a Praying Wife.

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